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Spring Concert
St Martin of Tours Parish Church, Acklam, TS5 4LA
£5. Tickets from the church, band members or WeGotTickets
Musical Quiz Night
Fairfield Sports and Social Club, 15 Elm Tree Avenue, Stockton, TS19 0UA
Tickets £5 from behind the bar, band members, or on-line from WeGotTickets.
Tudor Croft Gardens Open Day
Tudor Croft Gardens, Stokesley Road, Guisborough
Bucket Collection - but pay to enter the gardens
Saltburn Bandstand
Donation to the Bandstand Fund
Ropner Park Band Stand
Ropner Park Band Stand, Hartburn Lane, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 4EF
Bucket collection by the Friends of Ropner Park
Gisborough Priory
Gisborough Priory, if wet or too windy: in St Nicholas Parish Church next door.
Free Entry - Bucket collection for the Gisborough Priory Project
Donation to the bandstand Fund